Monday, January 22, 2018

Winter Survival Guide

I don't know about you, but this time of year always gets me in such a blah mood. The excitement of Christmas and New Years is over, most everything outside is dead and colorless, and you can't leave the house without layers. In an effort to be more positive until spring rolls around, I've thought up a few ways to help beat the winter blues.

1. Stay stocked on winter essentials
This may be different for everyone, but for me, there are four things that I truly wouldn't be able to make it through winter without.

Lotion - My hands get so dry in the cold months. Sometimes they crack until the bleed. Putting lotion on at least every night before bed helps a lot! I linked my current favorite that I use daily.

Lip Balm - Same goes for my lips. I prefer Burt's Bees over Chapstick. I use this at least once a day.

Warm Socks - If my feet are cold, I'm cold. Cozy socks are a must for inside my boots and just around the house.

Warm Leggings - I live in fleece lined leggings! I always wear them when I'm our running errands in the cold or under a dress at work.

Blanket Scarves - The extra bulkiness of these gives me so much warmth! I love wearing them with sweaters and swing dresses for work.

2. Use your supports
In the colder months, it can be so easy to isolate yourself. I really don't enjoy being cold and feel like sometimes my body just can't handle it, but I make it a point to still go out and do things. Whether it's going out to eat or going over to someone's house to visit, it's important to socialize. We're humans, that's what we're meant to do! In times when you really don't want to or can't go out, at least pick up the phone and send a text or make a call. If you really feel down during the winter months, consider getting some extra help by talking to a professional.

3. Don't pay much attention to the weather forecast if it's over 3 days out
This may only apply to you if you work in education and get excited about snow days. I always get my hopes up for a snow day when I see the snowflake in my 10 day forecast, but it almost always disappears as it gets closer. This makes it so much harder for me to get up and go to work that day! I've recently started to ignore the forecast much more than 3 days ahead of time so I'm not constantly disappointed. I love my job, but there is a certain happiness when you get an unexpected day off!

4. Plan a summer trip to somewhere warm
This is especially easy for me this year because we're planning our honeymoon to Anna Maria Island! We already have our room booked, and a few days ago (while it was 17 degrees outside) we spent a lot of time researching places to see, restaurants and bars to check out, and other things to do. It feels great to have something to look forward to!

5. Take care of yourself
I've said this before, but self care is so, so important. Any little thing counts - painting your nails, treating yourself to Starbucks, a bubble bath, chocolate... whatever your heart desires, you deserve it!

What do you do to beat the winter blues?


  1. Lip balm and socks are definitely key for me!


    1. I couldn't make it to spring without them! Thanks for reading!

  2. Lip balm and leggings is my must-have this Winter!

    1. I"m always wearing leggings! Thanks for reading!

  3. I love this post! I was in canada recently and found this lip balm that promises lip repair in 2 weeks and I've been addicted:

    1. I will have to try that out! Thanks for reading!

  4. I *always* wear socks! Makes me think of when I was a little kid and my dad always made me wear them.

    ​xx katie // a touch of teal

    1. Me too, especially since my feet are always cold! Thanks for reading!

  5. Hey! I am so glad you are doing a winter post! Lots of bloggers have moved onto bikinis but where I am in Cumbria (UK) we are very much in the depths of winter also! Like you I am trying to find lots of mini-weapons to boost the body and the spirits! We still have our house decked out very cosy - we call it the 'grotto'! This really helps - lots of red tartan, sheepskins, candles, throws etc, and we still wear big chunky sweaters, eat lots of winter warming foods and drinks. I am trying not to fight winter, more to embrace it! Love from Europafox x

    1. Your house sounds like it's so cozy!! We've been using our fleece blanket we got for Christmas just about every night! Thanks for reading :)

  6. We definitely don't get many winter blues down here in Florida (sorry!) but even I get kind of "blah" after having to wear pants for so many days in a row! I like to mix of my wardrobe (like adding a dress & tights) to help me beat the "blahs" :)

    1. I try to add dresses into my winter wardrobe too, especially because I can wear fleece leggings under them! Comfy and warm, but also good enough for work ;) Thanks for reading!

  7. These are great tips! Warm socks and summer dreams are getting me through right now!

    Becky @bybmg
